Sunday, June 14, 2009

Every home needs a fire pit.

I'm now a firm believer that every home needs an outdoor fire pit or ring. When we moved into our rental and I saw the fire pit I didn't think we'd use it at all but we are building fires at least twice a week! I constantly have the ingredients for S'Mores and have the fridge stocked with hot dogs. It is so much fun to just sit out by the fire together! It's like camping all the time. Our clothes and hair smell like campfire smoke and stink up the whole house but who cares...that's what summer is for right??
I'm throwing in some random summer pics of the kids and Jesse just having fun outside... priceless.


Sowells said...

Penelepe has been begging to look at pictures of your cousins! She saw the pictures of the kids and screamed "I know them!" They look so big! Love the flowers pictures - spring is so fun when it finally gets here.

The Davis Family said...

Nice to see an update - I thought you'd fallen off the face of the planet or something! :) I can't believe you guys have moved in and out of a new home again - you're crazy, but it will all be worth it when Jesse builds you your own home. I guess you have a pretty good excuse for not updating - you're always busy packing! Do you know if you're having a boy or girl this time? Just wondered! You look great and a love your haircut! So cute!

Rozannah said...

OHHH man I am sooooo happy to see an update!! I have been missing and I know that I should just call you but I don't call anyone....sorry. YOu look really grood I love the haircut! and Your pictures make me miss Montana and My sweet family so much! And I loved Star Trek too. And I do have a bunch of your clothes that I will be sending with my Mom when she comes to see my new little dude. I love you so much and I miss you and you are not that old!